Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sir; my seminal ysis is as following: Liqueficatior complete:2 hours, volume: 8ml, PH:1.5. how can i treat?

You can absolutely be a father. All it takes is one, and that's the truth. One thing I caught that doesn't seem right is your 70 million sperm per ml with a grand total of 105 million. You should have a total of 500 million or more with a semen volume of 8ml. If the total count is correct (which usually is) then your volume is on the lower end at less than 2 milliliters (ml). I too was tested as my wife could not become pregnant, and eventually she did, but the hope was because of total sperm count, NOT the sperm per ml. I had a very low count at 20 million per ml, but Doctor had much faith as I had a total sperm count of over 500 million with a 28 ml sample. Avg is 1ml-5ml, so either way you seem to be okay, but your total could be a little higher.

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